The Power of Courage

13 10 2024

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The Power of Courage

How often has life changing opportunities come your way? Ones that you may have missed because you were afraid? Do you know that fear stops your achievement in some way but bravery helps you move forward especially when you're in line with God's plan for your life.

Here is a short story

There was this guy whose elder brothers were all soldiers, very patriotic ones. As a matter of fact, they were so patriotic that when their country was threatened, they all went to war.

You would have at least thought that some of them went to fight while the others attended to their family business and made some money on the side. But not so. Except for this guy of course. And what else would you really expect from the last born who wasn't serving in the army at the time?

However, this guy was well trained because when his dad told him to take food to his brothers who were fighting the war, he didn't refuse. And his training paid off because that was when he had his chance.

Bro got there and saw that his brothers and other soldiers from their country were in fact getting bullied by another guy from the other side.

When he saw that, he couldn't stand it. So by his training, bravery, and leap of faith, he went ahead, killed this bully, and became a mighty leader.

You know this guy too because you've read this story before. His name is David.

You know, the truth is David was able to kill Goliath because God was with him and he was also brave. As a matter of fact, Dear Christian, God is equally with you and he is backing you up.

Just like David, we all face countless obstacles: a demanding boss, financial struggles, and self-doubt, plus other giants that are looming our paths.

Sometimes, it's the fear of not enough that creeps us. So there's an opportunity to lead your team but you think you've not had enough experience. Or you're afraid because you have a presentation at the office but have never had to address a group of people.

It could even be other fears. “Will my child turn out well?” “Am I good enough for this promotion?” “What if I ask this lady out and she turns me down?” “Why should I go on evangelism when I have never preached before?”

You can be afraid. But if you are armed with determination and the belief that you can win as a (wo)man in Christ, you can tackle the challenge head on and come out victorious.

The bible says in fact that

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13 NKJV

As you navigate life, it's essential to remember that challenges are a stepping stone to greater heights, showcasing the power of God working in and through you.

In times of adversity, it's natural to feel overwhelmed or uncertain. However, it's during these moments that your faith is tested and refined.

Just as gold is purified through fire, your faith grows stronger as you trust in God's promises and step out in courage. And when you align your actions with His will, you can rest assured that He will guide you and equip you for every battle.

So, dear reader, be encouraged to embrace bravery in your journey. Let your life be a testament to the transformative power of courage and faith.

Be like David, who faced giants with a sling and a stone but relied on God's strength for victory. Walk in the assurance that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. With God's guidance, your faith, and your courage, nothing is impossible.


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