Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin

27 11 2024

Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin

This time again, we bring you another gift by a very sound teacher of God's word, Kenneth Hagin, in the form of his book Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room.


Beyond the Upper Room comprehensively explores the gift of speaking in tongues. The book explains the biblical foundations and relevance of this spiritual activity.

Hagin draws on his extensive experience and study of the faith to present a thorough understanding of tongues, not just as an isolated event at Pentecost but as an ongoing spiritual discipline for believers today. The book covers the role of tongues in personal prayer, corporate worship, and as a means of spiritual edification.

Hagin’s teachings in this book also place a strong emphasis on the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, and support his points with Scripture. The book is structured in a way that gradually builds on your understanding, making it suitable for you as a believer looking to deepen your spiritual walk.

Why Should You Read the Book?

You should read Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room" by Kenneth E. Hagin if you’re seeking a deeper understanding of the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues and its relevance for you as a believer.

Hagin provides clear, scripturally-based teaching that demystifies tongues and corrects any misconceptions you may have. You'll learn how to incorporate speaking in tongues into your daily life for personal spiritual growth and connection with God. The book Tongues encourages a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and you can benefit from it no matter the level of your spiritual maturity.

Ultimately, you should read Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room by Kenneth E. Hagin if you desire to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.

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